02/07/01~ Experiments...

so get this... in order to pass Psychology 100, you have to either participate in survey-type experiments, or you have to write papers about psychological research... boring. so i opted for the experiment option. Danno, being the slacker he is, decides to just take one for the team and get all 7 hours done in one day.. this makes for a very very long day.

this morning, my day started bright and early at 6am. I showered and whatever and was on my way by 755, just in time to catch the 8am to school. I had my lesbian midterm today. that class is such a pain, she expects us to memorize points about articles written my nazi-lesbian feminists and then regurgitate them back to her in test form. needless to say, i inserted my own smart-ass answers to the questions i didn't know. after that ungodly thing was over at 10, i was off to wait for my first experiment of the day. 1130, lazenby hall.. i basically had to sit in a cubicle and answer questions about flag burning. fun stuff, nothing major. 1/2 hour and i'm jammin out of there over to my EALL131 class. this class, too, is boring. 426 kids or so, one giant lecture hall, and 3 instructors who were all born on the giant continent of Asia. needless to say, they talk-a no inglis goot. blah. that sucked but it was only 45 min. I rocked on out of there and headed back to Lazenby hall for experiment number two. this one was a hearing exam of sorts being done by a rather attractive grad student. danno liked that. we had to determine if we were hearing 'wiss, wish, miss, mish' followed by two other words... this was all fun and whatever for the first..oh... hour. after hearing the same misspelled words over and over and over...and over again, it got a bit old.. but soon enough we were let out and i jammed on down to Psych 100 at 3:00pm.. this class is a drag, but it's at least starting to get a bit better. I'm doing well even though i've neglected to go to a few classes. i sat through the hour-15 minute class.... then realized i had another hour and a half to kill before my last experiment of the day at 530..i went to my testing site and struck up a conversation with the girl running the experiment.. we got to talking, and she informed me that i really didn't need to be taking the test, as it was about alcohol and it's effect on your life.... being that danno doesn't drink, i filled out a lot of 'not applicable' answers... it was cool, she was fun to talk to. after blazing my points through an ungodly thick packet of mind numbing surveys, it was on to the 'powerpoint presentation'... basically, you sit through a computer program. boring. but i played along, filled out my stuff and was on my way.. now it's 7pm, and dark out.. missed the bus back to my house by like two minutes, so i sat at the curb for another half hour 'til it came. it brought me home, it's where i am now... and i'm damn tired, so i'm making this an early night... rock on kids, and i'll see you next time..
