03/27/01... it's been quite a while, mister diary... a lot's gone on in dan's life since the last time i wrote in here...last time, you might remember... pat got a ticket...cypher got kicked off early..and i was still in school. boy was that a while ago. well here goes.. grab a beverage and a blanket, 'cuz this is gonna be a long one, folks.

so school's over. it got to the point where I just didn't care about it anymore.. the two classes I did care about, oddly enough, were my 830 am and 930 am classes. Lesbian 101 as i liked to call it, and a frosh survey course that's required... they were more entertaining than informative, that's why i liked going... the other two, Psych and East Asian Languages and Literature, I didn't care about after awhile so i stopped going. I decided I'd still take the tests though and at least get a few points, so I did.. my psychology exam went rather well for avoiding the class for the last 1/2 of a quarter... I got a C in it. :) then East Asia... I managed to miss the midterm, thereby shooting myself in the ass gradewise... but i took the final anyway, got an 80% on the final but managed to fail the course.. oh well. the other two i did well in, B+'s all the way around.. go me! so while i was down there tearing up OSU, I managed to shoot any frienship I had with Phil in the ass... I did some things that were, admittedly, pretty shitty and untrustworthy of me, but i was fed up with something... I'm not sure what, and it doesn't justify it... but anyway, I was/am quite the prick.. and down one friend...I'll learn one of these days.

So i've met quite a few new people recently.. first it started with Erica... she wrote to me to let me know about a few bands that I might be interested in putting on my local music site... she seemed somewhat interesting so i wrote her back... innocent enough. we started talking on the IM thing and quickly became friends.. then we decided to meet at a stop the world show. we did, she got a hug, it was a fun night. the bands were really good, like close to home and stop the world, even... erica then started talking to jamie and joey from cypher and decided they were cute... go danno... but erica and i are still cool, and we're both still single...

from erica's diary, I saw a link to 'brainstew3' hmm so i checked it out, and let me tell you this girl is rad. her name's Erin..and as you may have gathered, she happens to like green day... a lot. points in my book :).. add on to that, she's got awfully cute pink hair, and she's straight edge... and she's downright adorable... and you have yourself my new favorite girl. erin and i talk a lot, usually late at night when other, 'normal' people would be doing that thing called sleeping... psh.. one night, not too long ago... we talked 'til 530 am... and decided it'd be fun to call each other, so she called me, left a message and told me to call her in 5 minutes... she was in her secret lair.. ;) so I did..and we talked 'til 730. she's got the cutest little voice.. :) we decided that the AFO show would be a fun place to meet.. so after a decent first day back at the record exchange (i'll get to that later) i drove up to the blind lemon, paid my 8 bucks and walked on in.. they weren't there yet... oh yeah. 'they' are two of erin's friends and herself.
so i listened to the Mosquito Bitten Bastards... I'm not really a fan of the whole screamo-metal thing... and there was this freakish redhead that kept be-bopping and thrashing like she was axl rose..... ew.. she started shoving people. I told erin i'd give her 5 bucks to land a punch but she just giggled... she's really cute... erin that is. not the freak-girl....so AfO came on. they were pretty good, a lot better than the first band (which reminded me of Faith No More only with shouting and a crappy drummer...) AFo are kinda NoFX meets H20 Meets any aggro-hardcore band with the *snare-hat-snare-hat-snare-hat-snare-hat* hardcore drum line... ick.. that's the only thing i didn't like.. was the drum line. they broke in to some awesome parts of songs.. but the song itself revolved around the snare-hat combo... anyways.. it was fun, i was attempting at being playfully flirty.. but i suck at it... i just suck at the whole 'girl' thing.. like, i can never read signals... i never give the right ones... add on to that that i have a low self image and i'm shy as hell... and you get one single danno... i'm tired of being single already... loving someone and being loved are the most rewarding feelings in the world. i'd give every ounce of talent I have for it...I guess it'll happen one day...

In happier news.. I finally had the dream of a long time come true.. Cypher's bassist Travis had to work a night one of their shows was scheduled... so jamie and joey came to me and asked if i'd want to fill in on bass... now mind you, danno's wanted to play bass with these guys for forever. I was so excited, so jamie and i spent countless hours with their cd and jamie's talents and we just sat there and learned and learned and learned. I wanted to do so well, my main fear was letting joey and the band down... but i spent 3 days learning their 11 song set, and the night came at the mad house where i got to debut as a one time only thing, my talents... erica and riki were there... but most of my other friends apparently had other engagements... :( ... sometimes i wonder.. anyways.. we went on, and I felt like I did awesome. I was happy with myself, but being the somewhat of a pessimist that i am, i kept searching for the band's approval even after they all told me i did well.  but being on stage, i tell ya.. with those guys.. that was the most fun i've had, probably ever.. it's what i've always wanted to do...and i did it, and they liked it. Feeling accepted like that is such a remarkable feeling, nothing could've brought me down that night.

So i started back at the exchange tonight.. I work at the one in parma in case anyone wants to come visit me or heckle me... the reason i'm at parma is Martha. Martha is the manager at the North Olmsted store and she apparently has a bit of a problem with me, as i do with her. you see, there once was a girl named Julie. Danno liked julie for a bit and decided it'd be wise to write a song for her since i'm so shy... i did, and i had my doode hank's band [asking.for.the.world] perform it with her there... needless to say, that falls into the 'bad idea' category... she got a little...well.. she got a lot mad at me and wouldn't talk to me for some time...anyway, her sister Vicki started working there after Julie had gone on to college. martha felt it would be funny to antagonize me about vicki working there. 'oh, so dan, are you going to write a song about her too?' or.. 'I'm going to make sure you two aren't scheduled together, I don't want you drooling all over my counters.' ... shit like that makes me somewhat upset...it's a professional work place... so after about a month and a half of taking her bullshit, i piped in with my opinion.. which happened to be 'what the fuck is your problem martha? i ask you nicely, for almost two months to drop it, but you keep it up.'  .... apparently she saw this as an 'attitude problem with management'...  so when word got out that i was moving home from ohio state, my favorite boss, Tim wanted to know if i wanted to work for the company again.. I very happily said yes... but you see, martha doesn't want me in the store, let alone working there again, so tim had to put me in parma. damn martha.. i'm grateful for the job back, but he told all the managers that if i 'show any signs of that behavior, feel free to let him go..'.. i'm a nice kid., i just got fed up with one prick of a manager... oh well. it's only $6 an hour, i can do much better... i just don't want to right now.

i guess this all boils down to me just wanting somebody... seems i'm always the 'nice guy' or the 'i wish my boyfriend were more like you' guy... story of my life.. ah well.. .
