12/02/00~Moving Day.

Apparently, Hell has frozen over. Today I moved in to my apartment in Columbus. Doubts were aplenty, Bets had been laid, hell..people even resorted to using my room in my absence.. anyway, leaving home was harder than I had anticipated. Mom got...let's say, real emotional. Even my brother, whom I didn't think I had a close relationship with at all got teary. Seeing the two of 'em cry was a hard thing for danno to take. But... it's time for me to get out on my own and grow, y'know?  Anyway, the drive down went well in my new car... god this car's been a pain in my back. It's an '89 Camaro RS...Neat looking car, and after paying as much in repairs as we did to buy the car, it was finally deemed roadworthy and I was off. I arrived a little later than I had anticipated, but that's par for the course with me anymore.. Nicole and Pat were already here, just chatting and whatnot, so I hurriedly went to my room and began to undo all the terrible things they had done to my walls.. most notably the gay porn. Sorry to anyone this might offend...but that stuff is straight-up nasty. After Nicole took a few choice pieces, the rest came down into a bag.. as did the road maps of Long-forgotten Ohio towns, and West Virginia. I made quick work of getting all my band posters up...That's really all that's in here are music posters because I'm a music kind of kid.. After i had finished that, it was roughly 1130 or so, so i retired to the living room where a screening of Natural Born Killers was already in progress in Dolby Surround. Good stuff.. Nicole didn't seem to care for it too much, but... anyway. After that, Danno decided he wasn't terribly tired, so I dropped in Saving Private Ryan. Nothing like a good war movie at 2am. We watched that, then decided it was time for Nicole to leave... I poked around on my computer for a few more minutes before finally laying my head down at roughly 630 am. i don't know if I was just wound up, or if the saying is true about sleeping in a new place, but regardless. I had a hard time falling asleep the first night here..  don't get me wrong, my bed is awesome, and I love my room... I'll just have to get used to calling this home from now on. 




