02/01/01~ Been a while....

so yeah, it's been quite some time since i've had the ambition to actually work on this page... since i can't find a server online that will  upload it in this format, it's become more of a diary than a website. it's cool though. i guess now you're going to get two big months of my life in one day. I started school at OSU on january 2nd, 2001. i had originally planned to major in psychology because i thought that i was good at listening to people. since i was starting late, there weren't many classes that were left open so i took what i could. I ended up enrolling in Eastern Asian Languages and Literature 131, Women's Studies 201, Psychology 100 and UVC 100.11... I was dreading them but looking forward to Psych... well school started, and i quickly found that there was a reason i never took a chemistry or biology class in high school: science doesn't click with me. Psychology, my intended major, is looking like the early underdog. EALL131 is an everyday half-hour class in a lecture hall with 400 kids.. It's not so bad if you're asian, but if you're not it can be as boring as watching an old woman crochet. UVC is a standard course all freshman have to take, it's basically a course to tell you how to do things around the campus. Last, and surprisingly not least was women's studies. I found that this class gives me the arguing outlet that i need. the teacher is a late 20's early 30's feminist lesbian. she's all about dictating the ways of the feminist world.. well..danno's not having any of this. i decided to open my mouth, and because of this, i met two awesome girls, Shannon and Alonna. they're both 'bad feminists' as our teacher might say. but they rock in my opinion. Shannon and i have become good friends, but friends of the 'school' type, we don't hang out outside campus but she makes me feel comfortable and gives me someone to talk to... always a cool thing. it was a little after the first week when I decided that this isn't where i need to be right now.. sure, college is important for your future and all, but I knew what i wanted to do, and i knew that OSU didn't offer anything remotely close to what i wanted to do with my life... Record Production. so i made the decision, i'm going to withdraw from OSU at the end of winter quarter, which ends on a far off March 15th. from here, if you read Shawn's page, I'm moving into a house with shawn and jenny. we're looking somewhere around cleveland, it's that general.. maybe river, maybe parma... who knows. but i'm deciding to take what's in my heart and run with it. so after only a few short weeks here in columbus, I'll be relocating back north. that's pretty much everything in a nutshell... =c )

