04/03/01 Double Shifts and Not Much Fun...

So I worked today, 12-4... not so bad... we had a bit of a rush at work but it wasn't anything I could handle. Tara put the Reality Bites Sdtk in which was rad...12-4 isn't such a bad shift at all... So I left a little later when Dan the manager got in... I came home, all anxious to learn the parts I need to learn for Healers Practice tomorrow but instead we get a phone call from Murray's.. they need my brother to work.. no biggie, but he can't do it... you see, danno used to work at Murrays last summer.. so he volunteered me to go in, and me being in as much debt to him as i am, obliged.. So i went in, worked with Danielle, Scott and Ray.. it wasn't bad at all, it was kinda neat to be back into the old groove of things.  So then I came home.. found nobody had written to me, ate some dinner... pushed my damned Camaro back in the yard because it's being moody and doesn't want to start... I came in, watched "Bands On The Run" on VH1 and here I am.. rock solid... I'm kinda tired and not particularly conversing to any extent.... so I may turn in early... I probably won't be at the cypher show either on Saturday... I have to work from 2-9.. ah well, people will deal. G'night everybody.. and if you're into local music at all, check out http://www.clevelandlocalmusic.itgo.com that's my other site... rock on..

=c \  ~*danno*~