04/27/01 ~ Dropkick and things I don't understand.

   Ahhh it's been a while since i've visited my journal. The last time, you may remember, I hung out with Erica and had a blast.
A few things have changed since then. Today I told Erica that I can't see her for a while. I just need a break from her.. The whole Erica/Erin thing. They both came into my life around the same time and I find myself caring too much about what they think. I need to not let them influence my thoughts at all, especially Erica. Her diary said it hurt her, but I don't see how it could... I mean, things are still going to be the same between us as they were a month ago before she knew me. She needs to figure out what's going on in her life I feel... so anyways...

   Tonight was the Dropkick Murphy's/Lars and the Bastards/Reach the Sky/Thug Murder concert in Cleveland. Shawn, John C., Zach and myself all made the trip down to the agora long about 730. When we got there we saw  none other than........Spicy McHaggas at the bar!!! No frickin way! We weren't sure if it was him at first or not so nobody said anything.... sure as shit, it was. haha oh well. So the 4 of us pushed our way to the front of the pit while thug murder was playing. They're an all chick punk band from Japan. Much like Hi-Standard only more energy. They played... then Reach the sky came on. They remind me a lot of H20..... which isn't a bad thing. They played and made fun of green day and the whole west coast punk 'thing' but it's okay... green day could kick their ass any day. Then after RTS played, Lars and the Bastards came on. Fuckin blew me away. The Unknown Bastard was all over the place, totally getting into it. Lars was rockin' out, his li'l brother from a different mother Craig was there playing too. Scotty Ables from Hepcat's the drummer!!! Fuckin Rad!! and then there was Big Jay Bastard on bass... he's the inspiration for the song 6 foot 5... awesome rockabilly tune. you NEED to check it out.  after Lars and the boys played...it was time for The Murphy's... They opened with For Boston and just rocked through a solid solid solid set. The only tune they didn't play was 'the Gang's all Here' which was okay because they played enough from all the other albums. I was a happy dude. as they started Skinhead, their last song, everyone ran and got up on stage... Shawn, Me and Zach all got up there and were rockin out.. We talked to Ken, Al, Matt and The Guitarist after they finished and told them that we'd make the trek out to see them Saturday in Pittsburgh.. They were like 'wow, cool!' and that was that... ah hell. this is what i get for waiting 5 days to write the journal.. Shawn.. I know you're going to read this... send me an email and refresh my memory from here on out for that night..... so... 'til i hear from him. G'night.

