04/08/01 ~  *insert funny title here*

"Where do we go from here?  What did you do with the directions?  Promise me no dead end streets and I'll guarantee we'll have the road." 
     So I was driving home tonight, and I looked out the window of my car and at the moon. It was so beautiful, it looked so pristine and clear... It made me happy to be around to enjoy it.  I'm sure if I hadn't been smiling, I would have smiled at the thought. You see, I was on my way home from Erica's house. I was going to bust ass to get out to the MAD house tonight from work because she was there and I thought I could be nice and take her home.. just to hang out with her again would be cool.. So I get into my car and I notice my phone was doing the electric blink. I had mail!! Rock!! I never get mail unless it's someone saying they need something... blah!  It was Erica, turns out she didn't go to the MAD House after all, which was cool for me.. Then I hear there's a second message. Erica again, now she wants to hang out.. Rock!  So I called her, I was driving around looking for a gas station when she called me back. Hehe. there was this lady that pulled into the station with her front bumper draaaaaaaaaaaagging along the ground, it was so funny. She was all embarassed. So anyways, the important part of the story, Erica and I decided we should hang out, so I went to her house and met her sister. Easy enough, then we just wanted to chill so we went to Denny's.. it was nice, some kinda ghetto girls came in, along with the American Eagle crowd. All I got was a raspberry Iced Tea and she got a water.. we're cheap dates. heh. anyways, we just sat and talked...and talked... and laughed. and talked some more. It was so nice to talk to her face to face, she's a load of fun for all you people that don't know. I made her laugh a few times =c D  Solid evening. I had a blast hanging with her...even if it was in the ghetto..ha ha ha  juuuuust kidding!  So I took her home, and drove home myself, enjoying the night air, the crystal clear sky and the nice evening I had with a good friend. More nights like these are in our future, and I know I'm going to keep smiling. 'Til Tomorrow.

