
sweet mother of god it's been a month since i've written in here and i have so much to write about.... some things about girls, some things about the band, some things about my mom, some things about life in general...and we're not talking mxpx here.

as i sit here somewhat slumped over my keyboard, sleep wants to overtake me.... i'm not going to let it because i know at least a few people check back in here and i feel i owe it to them to at least let them read something new.... work lately has been a lot of fun.. they're treating me more like a friend and an equal than an hourly which is always good...and they're giving me more freedom. i can't really think of anything bad to say about anyone i work with which is a wonderful thing. everyone's so nice

the band's somewhat irritating to me at the moment though. I haven't been to a practice in two weeks... I didn't go to recording last sunday... hell i didn't even play in our last show.. which segues nicely into my first gripe... we were set to play a show on saturday at the revolution in parma... well.. they booked the show on a night i had to work.... until being a healer starts paying the bills...work comes first.... so this brought our first problem.. we needed a bassist to fill in.. so we decided joey would play bass... and our old drummer steve came back for one show...no biggie..it's cool... so i come to find out that they let CJay, the old bassist up for a few songs...  using my bass... now, don't get me wrong. I don't mind sharing as long as it's asked permission first.... they let the fucker use my bass... without asking. NOT cool in my book.. I got my bass back that monday and it's all fucking sticky..god damnit. if you're going to borrow someone's stuff you take care of it... return it better than you found it is my motto.. i hate fucking disrespect.   I haven't been going to practices and/or recording because honestly i'm not into it anymore.  look out for emerald society.

i'm talking to amanda now.. amanda's rad, and she's got a headache... i dunno. I've been talking to a lot of girls lately but that seems to be par for the course with me... granted, i'm completely oblivious when it comes to talking to girls.... as all of you know i like to blow things horribly out of proportion when i talk about girls... and i usually whine about being single and yadda yadda... i'm gonna be single for a while apparently so i'm getting over it and working out now... so i can get all into good shape and strong so you'll all want me..... hah. yeah. anyway.

mom's in the hospital again.. she broke her back this time.  she was just in the hospital for what we all thought was a heart attack or stroke at first but it turned out to be a lack of carbon dioxide in her blood.. :( poor mom i don't know what we're gonna do with her anymore she's just falling apart

I'm kinda torn. I don't know if i want to go see Dido/Travis on June 28th for free or Green Day on the 30th for 30 bucks..... damn decisions

know what i don't like... I don't like being oblivious when girls are flirting.. I could be missing out on the coolest thing in the world right now because i'm not jumping on a chance that might be laying itself in front of me... damn it.. if you read this.. you more than likely know who you are... and i like you... but i can't tell you because...well.. i could be reading you all wrong... so tell me gosh darnit!  hah.. er.. ah well.. enough rambling for now.. drop me an email, say hi... take care you crazy kids.
