tonight was a good night. the day started on shaky legs, and i had a bit of a depressed beginning but everything's a lot better now.  I worked today which was cool. I worked with Tim again. He's by far my favorite boss ever.. i'm still sort of on surveillance at good old record exchange, but that's okay because without martha, i have no reason to be pissy.  so i finished up work and came home, got online and found three emails. One from Erica * :) * one from Erin *:)* and one from anna...surprisingly.  we had a good, long talk online..  I'll spare you all the details, as i'd probably catch shit for them from a few people anyways.. but, i'm going to feel how i want to about who i want to...and not give a damn anymore what other people think because i'm the only one i have to make happy. anna makes me happy.... with all the shit we put each other through, and all the times we both swear we're finished and never talking again... somehow it always works out... and i don't quite know what it is about her...well.. i do, but i'll spare you the details again because it's really not important to you what about her makes me happy, what counts is that i know it, and she knows it...  but all it took was one email to brighten my day. i appreciate that immensely.. thanks..
i also found out that Peggy seems okay with me again, which makes me happy as well... i'm not quite sure what happened there, but i guess we just lost touch... i'm planning on calling her sometime soon now that i'm home from Oho State...
I get to go rehearse with a band tomorrow, The Healers... they're cool guys, I like the music a lot so hopefully i can add my own little element and they'll like it. it'd be fun to be in a band again. playing with cypher was like a dream come true... i want to feel that all the time. performing is what makes me happy, i've decided.  well.. that's really about it for tonight, i just thought i'd update everyone on how i am...for whomever is cool enough to read this.. love ya guys..


<3 Danno                                         back to main