04/01/01 ~ I won't be a mud hippie I don't care what you say!

Last night was fun, I worked from 4-9 at Parma.. some cool kids come into that store, but you know what, a ton of annoying fucking people come in too. I counted, no joke, I stood at the 'various' section while one person went through it for 37 minutes... 37!!! Anyways, so I was supposed to call Erica when I got out, we were going to hang out for the night but when I tried calling I got nothing.. Nothing! I was all 'aw great now she's gonna think I didn't want to call her.' So i started to drive home but decided I'd give it one last shot since i was still kind of by her house.. Nothing. *sigh* :) but it's okay! because when i got closer to my house, she called.. she got called in to work and had just gotten home. so that was good, I like talking to her. She makes me laugh. So I decided i was hungry and paid taco bell a visit.. Came home, and brother had some friends over, they were doing god knows what on my deck outside.. So i came in, ate my junk, got online and saw that erica was on! so i told her I'd finish eating and call her back. It's not polite to eat on the phone =c ) ... I called her at like 12ish, we talked 'til around 2. We were both falling asleep, it was funny =c ) 'ah! there's writing on the ceil....oh..wait..' ha ha erica. it was funny, she kept getting scared by her sister's Hamster :) i was laughing!! it was soooo funny, seriously.. you had to be there. so then we got off the phone, and the tired danno went to sleep... I have band practice today at either 5 or 7, i'm not quite sure... oh yeah, i'm in a new band, The Healers. it rocks, it's like '50's style rock'n'roll with a newer punk influence and springsteen type feel.. it's awesome stuff, I think. we're playing the hard rock cafe sometime this month which ROCKS!!! :) anyways, i'm gonna go back to talking to erica now, She's scavenging her house for food.. haha, that girl makes me smile.. 'til later.


