2-11-01- punctuality sucks.

        this weekend was somewhat enjoyable.. I came home early on friday to catch a show at the Sip'N'Post in Royalton.. Len Lew played.. let me say i'm glad that i got in for free. they were alright, but the sound guy was a prick. he made them turn down until you couldn't hear them over their drummer.. .then after them some hillbilly godsmack ensemble came on... that's when Shawn and I decided we were hungry. inadvertently, we met up with some friends at Denny's.. we saw Molly and her friend Eileen. seeing them is always a pleasure...well, molly anyway. we just met Eileen that night, but she was adorable too. after i dropped shawn off i drove around the cities for a while... about two hours to be general. thinking about this whole valentines thing.. ugh. girls have a way of making you realize what you don't have, and hope for everything you can never have. i got home around four a.m and went to bed. now, because of my driving around the night before, i broke a promise with Jenny.. told her i'd come visit her at work, but I slept until one-ish and by the time i was presentable it was too late. the group of us hung out later that night and had a bit of fun at Fridays with new band mate Bryan. fun stuff. I'm not gay bryan. anyway. I promised Jenny that I'd visit her the next morning. no problem i thought. as i went home, i realized that my uncle's 50th birthday party was the next morning. we had to gather for brunch at 1030 because my cool cousins from columbus had to work that afternoon, so we couldn't really do lunch.. well, it was also in cuyahoga falls, so it was a small hike away. needless to say, i punked out on jenny... again. so if you're reading this, I'm sorry. Then came sunday night. I didn't do much besides a whole ton of laundry. i went online and poked around and saw my doode Joe was up, so i talked, he told me to come over so i went and hung out at his house 'til about 230.. we jammed a bit, talked about music, life..our friends. He's a good kid. you might know him from Cypher fame.. he had to work monday morning so i left and went back home... i decided that i would wait, since it was already close to 3am, and come back down to school monday morning. no problem, get up at nine, out by nine thirty, here by 1130 at the latest... right.. that's assuming that i do everything how i plan. most of you know me for being somewhat tardy as a general rule. yeah. i ended up leaving my house at 1030.. got to school at 1230...missed my EALL131 class which just happened to have the midterm today. wonderful. i suppose the underlying moral and theme of this story is that it's never a bad thing to be on time... now i'm off to unpack. thanks for listening.


