5/3/01 ~ Steel Town Revelation






Danno let you all know about Dropkick Murphys in Cleveland, well I'm here to tell you about the show in Pittsburgh. As usual, Dan made great time out of the state and even the 2000 tolls in Pennsylvania couldn't slow us down. After a small search we were able to find Club Laga on Forbes Street in Oakland, PA. We got a sweet parking spot and stood in a line for 15 minutes before we got let into Laga. Dan and I made it right up to the stage, a perfect spot. Thug Murder from Toyko came on not much later and we needed subtitled to catch any of what the three Japanese girls were saying. Well I liked them a ton anyway. Reach the Sky were on next and had decent set going until some crowd members got a little choosy in what they said to the band. This happened twice and that's when the lead singer started throwing punches. This caused there set to be cut short, but that was ok cause Lars and the Bastards rock hard. As they did. The Unknown Bastard camped out right above me and dan as we sang with him. Lars was very personal with the crowd as him and the Bastards tore through a blistering set. The the Murphys played through an awesome set that this time included "The Gang's All Here." Also they played there ! new Creedence Clearwater Revival  cover of "Fortunate Son, " Played the "Spicy McHaggis Jig," and an old favorite like "Far Away Coast." I was priviledged to sing a chorus with one of my heroes and Dropkick bassist, Ken Casey. This is when it hit me. I'm doing this. I want this. I can do this. This is my dream and its Dan's too. Were not suits. Were kids who love this music. I know there will be obstacles to get there but I'm up to it. And I'll tell you another thing, I'm  waiting for Dan to do this and do it right. This what we were born to do and we will succeed. Just you wait. This night was the most important night in my life in quite some time and it wouldn't have been the same unless Dan was there because we have been loving this music for so long. So how was the concert in two words?

Life Changing.


                                                               shawn          dan             
                                                             dropkick in pittsburgh