This is where I slam Pat.
Diane, feel free to write me and contribute wherever you see fit. You see, Pat
likes to make you think that he has a lot to do. This may be partially true, but
when he doesn't, he likes to mess with people's heads. he does silly things like
responding to your forwards with stupid answers, then forwards them on to your
friends 10 times. This isn't healthy, Pat. He's somewhat nocturnal. he sleeps
'til 2pm, then is up playing Zelda until 4 or 5 am... Check out my guestbook,
his is the 2nd entry.. that should give you some indication of how the kid
thinks... don't try to mess with him though, he'll design a program to get rid
of you. he likes to watch star trek a lot... yeah, that's cool.. *thumbs down on
that one* he's got pictures of U2... c'mon, who listens to U2 anymore?? and lets
not talk about his van.. the kid pimp-styles his van... a giant burgundy chevy.
not exactly my first choice for toolin around these crowded streets of Columbus
OH but hey, y'know, whatever.. this is all i have for now, diane, hit me
up with some ideas!!
Haha. Pat got a ticket Pat got a ticket Pat got a ticket!!!