Shawn.. Shawn's quickly becoming my best friend. It's human nature for people to grow apart and I feel that's just what's happening with a few other people. Shawn's dating Jenny who's really nice. He's a punk rocker, likes Rancid, Dropkick Murphys, H20 and Social Distortion amongst many many others. We drove out to Chicago to see Rancid, AFI and the Distillers in November '00. That was a trip and a half, it rocked. Anna tagged along too. I guess I could say that Shawn and I first became friends somewhere throughout high school. We had a lot of the same passions, mainly good fast music. He's got tattoos all over the place, two on his left arm, and one on each leg. They're pretty cool looking. He's responsible for my tattoo, I probably never would have gotten one if he hadn't convinced me.  Shawn, Jenny and myself are going to be living together soon somewhere in northeast Ohio with someone else, nobody's quite sure who yet, but believe me, we'll keep you posted. My NoFX album is over, so that means it's time to move on. Shawn's a good kid. Oh yeah, did I mention Emerald Society? That's our band.. He and I, we added Bryan Novotny on guitar, and we're still looking for a drummer. Watch out for us, and if you're reading this, I'd hope that you'd enjoy coming to support us!!!


