ah here's some info about old danno...
thanks to Erin for letting me swipe the format...


Name: daniel john zimmerman
Nicknames: danno, Z,  
Current SN's:
L0vinf001, RxDanno
B-day: 4 months before Xmas... august 25, 1981
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Siblings: Colin..24... we get along okay.
Collections: none really... i have a lot of green day stuff... a lot of cd's from working at the exchange...lots of poems and stuff i've written, but nothing i 'collect'
Hobbies: playing bass, working on my cars... writing, poetry and song.. 
irish, slovak, and swiss...
Religion: catholic by birth, athiest by choice
School/Job: Manager at the Parma Heights Record Exchange 
never have, thanks... never wanna be..
4 Letter Word:
dude...but as hank says..'doode' 
Ethan Embry, Samuel L Jackson, Ben Foster, 
Actresses: Reese Witherspoon, Katie Holmes, Laura Prepon, Jessica Alba
Animal/Insect: anyone that knows me knows i'm not the animal type... sure, i get along with 'em, but i don't want 'em 
makes me think of 'life in general' by mxpx... 
Board Game:
Monopoly...mm can play for hooooours
Catcher In The Rye , J.D. Salinger...
Boys Name:  Milo...
when i used to eat candy, i enjoyed Smarties 
i never really got into cartoons...when i was younger i watched 'mask' a lot... 
Cartoon Character:
hmm 'cartoon' not 'comic'... underdog... hong kong phooey...  
marshmallow alpha-bits... or frosted mini wheats..mmmm 
Chewing Gum:
i rarely, if ever, chew gum 
black, blue, green, red... 
Color Nail Polish:
none really... 
Day of Week:
Least fave day:
it's all the same to me.. 
Drink (Alcoholic):
Drink (Non-alcoholic):
Iced Tea, Milk, OJ
Female/Male Artist:
Liz Phair/Tanya Donelly and ... Greg Graffin
Flower: never get 'em.. i only give them.. and it's whatever she likes
Food: Soft Pretzels... 
Fruit: a good d'anjou pear...  some watermelon's always good
Game Show:
anyone remember 'idiot savants'??? either that or 'rock'n'roll jeopardy' 
whatever looks good around her neck 
Girls Name:
Maria, Adrienne, Samantha, Alexandra
can't pick one, so you're gonna get a few... Green Day, Social D, Rancid, NoFX, Bad Religion... that's it for 'favorites' meaning there hasn't been a song these bands have done that I don't like... sure other bands rank high, but they have some songs I don't dig.. it's hard to make 4+ albums where every song i like and all these bands have done it...
Holiday: 4th of July... holds the nicest memories... good weather, good people... mmm
Ice Cream:
i'm not a big fan of ice cream, really..  
Item of Clothing/ Outfit:
my long olive cargos 
Jello Flavor:
biafra?? ... never liked jello... or pudding for that matter. 
all i wear are two ball chains around my neck and two different sized ones on my wrist

Can't hardly wait, american history x, pcu, that thing you do, higher learning
Music Video:
mmmm Michelle Branch.. sooo hot! 
Number: 27, 86... 1's too lonely and 3's one too many. 
whatever she smells good in
Cologne: I never wear it....i bathe, therefore i need no cologne 
.... i want to go where the action is.  
'don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?'~Joni Mitchell as sung by Pinhead Gunpowder... and 'every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..' ~ Semisonic:'closing time'
Quote from a Movie: 'fate only takes you so far, then it's up to you to take it from there.' ~ can't hardly wait 
Restaurant Chain:
School Subject:
I actually enjoyed Women's Studies...  
summer without the heat.. 
Sesame Street Character:
the dudes with the horns on their heads.. 
whichever's cheap 
: could we be a little more vague? i like so many it would be total madness to list them all. name a band and i will tell you my favorite song by them. 
Sport to Play: baseball is fun.. bowling brings back good memories... 
Sport to Watch:
Sports Team:
the giants... san fran, not new york
Store/Shop: Summit, the record exchange, 
Toothpaste: Crest regular i guess..i'm a regular kind of guy. 
my car... sure, it's expensive, but it's a toy to me.. 
TV Channel:
TNN/Speedvision on the weekends... MTV usually since i don't get MTV2/the Box/Much Music or any other cooler music channel... 
TV Show:
That 70's show, Dark angel, malcolm in the middle, any hot rodding show on the weekends.. 
Type of Tunes:
punk rock. some oldies. a few other selections here and there.
Vegetable: potatoes, peas, brussell sprouts
Video Game: world series baseball 2k2... nfl 2k2... ncaa football 2k2... 
falling in 'love' too easily or getting otherwise attatched... damnit.. 
i don't really obsess...some may think i do over girls.. but i'm just an emo kid..
Piercings: I don't get it...and i'm not so sure i want to get it..~green day's billie joe, sure he was talking about the whole rap-rock thing...but i'm applying it to my views on piercings.... i'll never get one 
Special Skills/Talents:
nothing 'special' besides being able to play bass sorta... 
my Straight Edge one on my right forearm, and coming soon *when i get $$* mike ness is going on my leg..
Slow/Fast Songs:
all depends on my mood.. I like all of 'em. 
i haven't had a pop in a long time by choice 
poems are great. 
gold=ghetto.. i'm not ghetto... 
Haagen Daaz/Ben&Jerry's:
i'm not a big fan of ice cream, let alone designer ice cream.... 
somewhere between heaven and hell..heh social d plug there....
Kissing/Hugging: I like a good hug, a meaningful hug and a small kiss afterwards.. to let them know they're special to you.
Land/Sea: whichever.. i'm not picky
Love/Lust: Love is by far better... as chris rock said...'commitment's gonna take care of you when you're sick. commitment's going to bring you chicken soup...new pussy can't cook!'... .yeah... i like commitment and love.. 
McD's/Burger King:
I'm not a big fan of the fast food either 
Mud Wrestling/Jello Wrestling:
no thanks...on either..
Do you believe in love at first sight?
lust maybe, that could turn into love. if you love someone from looks alone something just isnt right. 
Do you want children one day & if so, how many?
right now, no...not until i can financially support myself comfortably. 
Fave thing about the opposite sex:
personality, sense of humor, smile, things in common, intelligence... 
First thing you notice in the opposite sex:
their smile, then their eyes.. maybe their laugh
If you really liked someone but they just wanted to use you for sex, would you let them? surprise...i have morals. no. 
Least fave thing about the opposite sex:
how somehow i'm never good enough to date, i'm always the 'oh you're such a sweetheart' or 'oh i wish my boyfriend did something like that for me' or the ever popular 'i wish my boyfriend were more like you.'.... it's sad... i know.. but it's how my life is.  
Most important thing to you in a friendship is:
humor, trust, similar interests. 
Turn Offs:
smoking...drinking...flirting for the 'fun of it'... false promises,  
Turn Ons:
smile, intelligence, the way her eyes sparkle when we look at each other.... innocence.. 
What do you think is a good age to get married?
when i'm financially secure.. 
Your Best Friend is who and why:
i hate best friend questions... 
Be a character from a movie, who would you be?
Ethan Embry..or.. 'Preston' in Can't hardly wait.. he's the nice guy and he doesn't finish last... 
Be any animal, what would you be?
a cute dog..something people would want... 
Dye your hair any color, it would be:
Do 1 thing to someone you disliked, what would you do?
have them spend a week in my shoes. 
End one artists career, who would it be & why?
  aerosmith... god damnit, go away already. 
Have a special power, what would it be?
be invisible maybe.
Be any cartoon character, who would it be?
i don't watch cartoons.. i dunno.. 
Have one fairy tale come true, what would it be?
i'd have the nice guy get the girl for once.... 
Coolest Experience:
driving out to chicago to see Rancid... and then driving out to pittsburgh to see dropkick.. two life changing experiences.. i'll never forget them 
Criminal Record?:
just speeding tickets.. 
Describe yourself in 5 words or less:
"i'm a loner, dottie. a rebel.' okay, so it's 6 words. shoot me. 
Do you speak any other languages?
i can speak German and a li'l spanish.. 
Ever done drugs?
i have no desire, and i never have. 
How often do you floss your teeth?
thrice daily 
If you couldn't do your dream job/career, what would be second best?
i want to be a roadie. 
If you were a dog, your name would be:
asshole..  ;) hank..
Last Book you read:
Catcher in the Rye... I don't read much, honestly. 
Most Interesting thing to you:
music, girls,  
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom:
my bass, my green day 'stuff', my cd's, my king size bed.. my computer...  
Thing you dislike about yourself the most:
my weight... my inability to say no, usually... and my uncanny ability to fall for a girl who has no romantic interest in me what-so-ever.. 
Thing you like about yourself the most:
i'm honest 99% of the time..  
Pick a song title that best describes you:
  'is she really going out with him...' ugh... 

any comments? email me: marginwalker27@hotmail.com   or IM me : L0vinf001, RxDanno

