November 29, 2001 ~ Bombs away...

                I dreamt last night and actually remembered it.. so.. I decided I'd start a dream journal...

                  I remember being at a diner, it was a cool, rainy night. I was there with a girl that resembled my friend Tom's girlfriend. I never got

her name, but.. I guess that's unimportant.  We kissed in the parking lot, where she said she'd never want to let me go... so we got in the car

and ended up at the grocery store... (?)... The grocery store happened to be across the street from a commercial airport.. but the store resembled

the Giant Eagle that's by my house.  We, my brother, myself, this girl, and our friend, were standing in the frozen food aisle when there was an

announcement on the intercom about the air force jets taking off from the airport.... The first plane got off okay, but the 2nd one left a little

shaky... it got airborne, then stalled and dropped it's fuel tank.. something that's roughly the size of a large bus..  the thing fell and exploded...

all i could do was grab the diner girl, hold her and hear my brother say "That's a big fucking explosion."


   then i woke up...

any ideas?



