Horrendous Work Stories


11.17.01 ~   Tonight was pretty busy... Not too many people of the annoying variety... until 8:30pm... this guy we kicked out of the store, his name is Jerry, comes back in to do some shopping.  Kristy poked her head in the back and informed me that 'this guy was giving her a hard time.'   So i asked who, peeked my head out and saw him. Asshole. Dan Williams and I have both kicked this guy out of the store... he dug through our trash trying to take our used cd cases.. this may seem okay to you, but it's not store policy to let one dig through our trash. So we asked him to leave, he got lippy and didn't want to leave... needless to say he was dually thrown out of the store tonight.  he was the only memorable customer of the evening.. 


p.s. if you happen to work at another store and want to share your work stories, email them to:

marginwalker27@hotmail.com and i'll put it up here for you!



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