~Let me preface this story for a moment with a brief description of my co-workers.. Kristy is a free spirit, she loves herself and is pretty damn comfortable in her skin. JB. anyway.  Niki, on the other hand, is somewhat shy, very cute, but shy... on with the story.~

Okay, so get this... I'm at work Wednesday night, it's Me, Kristy, Niki, and Andy P... a fun crew, a pretty hectic night but nothing we can't handle... I'm at the end of the counter, long about 8:00 pm, and Kristy is ringing a taller gentleman out. Mind you, this guy was taller than me, about 6'7"-ish.  Had to weigh 280-300# and was wearing a billboard sized salmon colored leisure suit... with a black top fedora.. stylin'... so anyway they somehow got to talking and his line of work came up. He works in a nude bar.... okay.. nothing out of the ordinary..  so Kristy starts grooving to the song behind the counter, shaking her thang back and forth.. apparently this caught the large man's eyes... he says "Girl, you want to dance at my club?"


then he looks over at Niki, who is already turning red... and asks her the same thing..

"What about you? You cute too."

Loser.. so I asked him if he had any sort of age limitations... he replied with the obvious 18+ rule... I then misinformed him that Niki was a fresh 16 years old.. hah..  he said "Damn, I should go to jail for even asking! " By this time, Niki is a deep crimson color
and turned around so nobody can see.... heh...  The man then leaves, and says that the offer's on the table..

awesome.. who says my job isn't fun?



[.work stories.] [.home.]