Sunday, November 25, 2001....


                    Okay. Let me start out by saying that if you have a problem with profanity, I strongly suggest you move on. This entry is full of frustration, anger, anxiety, and ... snarky-ness? heh. anywho. here goes. follow along to the bouncing ball before i bounce the fucker off your head.


                    So... this is the busiest time of year for retailers....where do i work? in a record store.. we sell things... thus making us 'retail'... suck.  add into the mix that the city we're in doesn't breed the most intelligent people.. now, mind you, everywhere has their characters, but... grr. why do they all have to shop at discount record stores? maybe they feel the need to fuel their discount lives?

                    Anyway, I'm angry... Look for the next entry...

