Monday, November 26, 2001... ~ Piss Off..

    okay, so look... this is mine and kristy's 4th full day in a row.. we both don't want to be there.. so.. that attitude is going to shine throughout this story.

what happens when the first five trades you do all involve three hundred cd's or more? that's right.. you run out of money. today was just fucking nuts... I apologize.. to kristy, bill, jen and sarah.. because i didn't do shit at work.  i was in a bad mood.. tired.. burned out. nothing really special happened except i helped out a very cute, polite girl... that's always fun. Felicia was her name. Wes the Record man came in and told jen and myself about his refurbished victrola cabinets... loser... so.. we ended up finishing up around 9:30.. the day was uneventful, but completely hectic until about 7... but tomorrow i'm off... and i'm going to sleep..... good night.
