02/19/01~ Sound Men Suck....

    Okay, so my dudes Cypher had a show this weekend as part of the Cleveland Music Festival. Due to a time issue that I'm not totally sure of what happened, they had to go on a little later than they'd expected. The band asked nicely to have a few more minutes to play due to the mix up in time scheduling, and the sound man rudely said no, even touching one of the members of the band. The guys did their abbreviated show, and at the end of one song, the sound man called out "one more."....One more!? they'd been playing for fifteen minutes. Joey wasn't having any of this, so they went into their 'last song' which lasted a few minutes. They ended the song with a unanimous 'FUCK YOU' to the sound man and the people of the Pit, and proceeded to go into another song, their hit "It Goes To Show" which went off awesomely. Joey took a page out of the Green Day handbook and took a flying leap into his drumset. The sound man got pissed off because he thought they'd broken his mics that were on the drums so he felt the need to throw around Cypher's equipment. NOT cool in my book. I understand about being upset about a few mics, but that doesn't warrant throwing a bass drum around, dropping a half stack down a small flight of steps, or throwing Cymbal stands. I was not impressed with the Sound Crew at the PIT. The show went off well though. They're cool guys. Cypher, that is.

   After the show last night I picked up Pat and we began our trek back to school. Danno got tired long about halfway through, so i asked Pat to drive, to which he obliged. Rockin'.. I was tired. so we're driving, I nodded off a few times, and lo and behold doesn't Pat get a speeding ticket!!!! HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA first one EVER for him. 70 in a 55....Construction Zone!! I swear to god that car's cursed. way to go pat!! you can get a look at it here.

    My doode Hank, of [a.f.t.w] fame informed me yesterday that they have only a few more tracks left to mix down, then a few more months of necessary business-type stuff, and finally we'll have our first [.asking.for.the.world.] Compact Disc!!! AWESOME. These guys rock, you definitely need to check them out.

    My stomach's starting to tell me it's going to vote me off the island if i don't get some food in it, as I've been sort of starving myself lately... so with that, I'll leave you with a bit of advice. If you're doing 200 MPH, try to avoid the walls of Daytona. R.I.P. Dale Earnhardt. We'll miss you.
